Blog Archives

Rent: Just One Side of a Commercial Lease Agreement

My blogs for the next week or so will contain excerpts from an article I co-wrote for the ACC Docket, November 2010 edition, titled “Rent: Just One Side of a Commercial Lease Agreement.”  The discussion contained in the article was written for corporate lawyers, but applies to a much wider audience as it describes the importance of careful planning and analysis throughout the leasing process, and also emphasizes the need for the tenant to focus on each provision contained in the definitive lease agreement.  A successful lease negotiation focuses on more than just the base rental amount, as vital components of reducing a company’s occupancy costs include mitigating risks and exposure to unforeseen expenses, maximizing flexibility and operating efficiencies, and aligning the company’s real estate strategy with its overall business plan

I hope these postings will be enjoyable to read and informative.  Feel free to call or email, and we’ll show you why we’re Studley!

U.S. Commercial Real Estate Investors Turn Bullish on Office Sector for Acquisitions,

U.S. Commercial Real Estate Investors Turn Bullish on Office Sector for Acquisitions, According to Latest PwC Real Estate Investor Survey™

NEW YORK, Dec. 20, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — As 2011 comes to a close, commercial real estate investors continue to seek buying opportunities with the office market gaining increasing interest, despite a mixed bag of improving commercial real estate fundamentals, according to the fourth quarter 2011 findings of the PwC Real Estate Investor Survey, released today.

According to the report, buying opportunities beyond the core markets remain tricky due to a protracted recovery outlook for both the U.S. and many secondary markets.  Surveyed investors cite that commercial real estate continues to offer attractive yields compared to alternative investment vehicles.  In the office sector, investors are bullish regarding their prospects for tenant retention and expect office rent growth in many markets in the coming year. Read the rest of this entry